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Friday, April 16, 2010

Build a Bear Pancho

The Story of Pancho the Bear

As I lay down in bed looking at my baby reading to her Bear, (Pancho) a book about rhymes,
knowing that any minute she will fall asleep hugging that special Bear.
It only makes me think of my younger days.

Looking back at my own Grad Night Pooh Bear that I keep over the years, (yes I'm sentimental)
I start to look around the room at the amount of stuff animals
we have accumulated over so many years.

I come to see that each has a story, each has a memory attached to it.
To know that I have pass this feeling to my children only makes me feel that I have achieved
what every mother wants, and that is to keep their children always kids at heart.

Today with so much stress of having what all your friends have,
with the media trying to sell you on the newest gadget.
Having been through the first Cabbage Patch era, (yes I am that old)
and gone through the tickle-me elmo faze.
To have my children not fall into the hype is what every mother loves.

What makes a Bear the perfect toy .....?
Well first you dont need batteries.
It wont break your the bank. It does not bend at the knees or arms,
so no worry about breaking.
Its soft and huggable like my daughter states.
If he loses an eye to unforeseen consequences like the house pet,
all you have to do is sew a little button of her favorite jacket.
That way he can keep an eye out for you at school and be close to you, as my daughter states.
He listens to you and does not require instructions.
It will never be outdated or require a second version.
You can get them friends to play with. Each one will be unique on its own.
You don't need to be young to fall in love with them, all you need is room in your heart.

To my son who has his little Batman the traveler....
To my younger son's Chewbacca that sits on top of the MAC, because he is awesome at games.
To my Valeria's Brenda because it reminds her of her cousin, with all her cool wardrobe.
To the last but not Least Pancho, the meanest and coolest bear of the pack.

Let us be true to our heart, and I know that as you read this you look
back and see your favorite stuff toy,
it may be next to your computer or on top of the TV.
Which ever it is you know that there is one, that one that is so special as you are to it.
To all the Bears out there, and Stuff Animals of the world this one's for you....................


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